发酵罐概述Overview Of Fermentation Tank
一、发酵罐的基本条件Basic Conditions Of Fermentation Tank
二、发酵罐罐体尺寸比例Size Proportion Of Fermentation Tank
三、发酵罐的结构Structure Of Fermentation Tank
四、全自动生物发酵罐技术参数/Technical Parameter
公称体积 Nominal Volume | 5~3000L |
装液系数Liquid Loading Coefficient | 65-80%, Optimum 70% |
罐体配置 Can Body Configuration | 不锈钢SUS316L/SUS304材质; Stainless steel SUS316L / SUS304 Material; Jacket temperature control and optimization of diversion design; Internal surface polishing, RA ≤ 0.6 μ m; External surface polishing or matte treatment (glass shot blasting); Long strip mirror with large viewing angle, complete interfaces of pH electrode, do electrode and temperature electrode; The tank cover is equipped with flame inoculation port and feeding standby interface, etc |
搅拌系统 Mixing System | 顶入式机械搅拌系统;无菌机封系统;直流搅拌电机(10L及以下)或交流电机; Jacking mechanical mixing system; Aseptic mechanical sealing system; DC mixing motor (10L and below) or AC motor; Standard configuration: 2-layer flat impeller and one-stage high-efficiency defoaming paddle; There are also inclined blades, curved blades, axial flow blades, etc; Adjustable speed, digital setting speed control |
结构方式 Structure Mode | 落地式框架结构,节省空间,万向脚轮,操作方便 Floor type frame structure, space saving, universal casters, convenient operation |
通气系统Ventilation System | 深层通气,全不锈钢管路; Deep ventilation, all stainless steel pipeline; Glass rotor flowmeter display, pressure display, manual valve adjustment flow; High efficiency sterilizing filter equipped with stainless steel housing, with a filtration accuracy of 0.01 μ m; External compressed air is required, equipped with high-quality water removal and pressure stabilizing devices, to continuously and stably supply gas; Optional mass flow controller for automatic control of air flow |
罐压控制 Tank Pressure Control | 顶部排气口配置指针式压力表显示罐压,不锈钢阀门手动调节; The top exhaust port is equipped with a pointer pressure gauge to display the tank pressure, and the stainless steel valve is manually adjusted; It can be equipped with inlet pressure transmitter and automatic regulating valve to realize automatic control of tank pressure |
温度控制/Temperature Control | 在线检测,数字化设定,自动/手动控制自由切换; Online detection, digital setting, automatic / manual control, free switching; German PT-100 temperature probe and digital temperature instrument; Automatic temperature control of electric heating thermostatic water tank and external cooling water |
Ph控制 Ph Control | 在线检测,1路或2路蠕动泵自动流加碱或酸液进行调节; Online detection, 1 or 2 peristaltic pumps automatically add alkali or acid for regulation; Imported Mettler (Hamilton) pH electrode, which can be sterilized by high temperature steam |
溶氧(Do) Dissolved Oxygen (Do) | 在线检测,范围0-100%或0-200%; Online detection, range 0-100% or 0-200%; Imported Mettler (Hamilton) do electrode, which can be sterilized by high temperature steam; Optional linkage control with speed and ventilation (to be specified when ordering) |
补料控制Replenishment Control | 标配1路/2路等多路蠕动泵时间比例流加补料,流加量累积显示、记录 It is equipped with 1-way / 2-way and other multi-channel peristaltic pumps as standard, with time proportional flow feeding and feeding, and the cumulative flow feeding amount is displayed and recorded |
消泡方式Defoaming Mode | 传导式泡沫电极,泡沫异常状况自动报警; The conductive foam electrode automatically alarm the abnormal condition of foam. One peristaltic pump is equipped as standard for automatic / manual flow of defoamer, and the cumulative flow dosage is displayed and recorded |
控制系统 Control System | 应用工业级MC-bio控制系统,采用西门子PLC控制器; Apply industrial MC bio control system and Siemens PLC controller; 32-bit true color touch screen operation interface with complete functions and stable operation; Another type a simple instrument control system is optional |
灭菌方式/Sterilization Method | 在位灭菌,手动控制,需接外源饱和蒸汽 In place sterilization, manual control, need to connect external saturated steam |
可选配项/Optional Configuration | 1.多路补料 Multiple feeding |
设备特点Equipment Characteristics | 在位灭菌,安全可靠,培养基浓度准确; In situ sterilization, safe and reliable, accurate medium concentration; No risk of transmission leakage; Large viewing angle longitudinal mirror observation is clear; Various and reliable inoculation methods (standard flame inoculation port, differential pressure inoculation port and other forms are optional); Floor type tank, beautiful and generous; Easy operation and disassembly; Special specifications can be customized. |
通风机 电解质分析仪 腻子粉搅拌机 压滤机 多功能搅拌机 蒸发式冷凝器 蒸发器 高剪切乳化机 轴流式通风机 常压锅炉 管壳式换热器 冷却塔配件报价 燃气锅炉 硅橡胶捏合机 盘式真空过滤机 过滤机 混凝土搅拌机 皮带输送机报价 过滤器 螺杆式冷水机 隔膜压滤机 换热器 煤矸石粉碎机 冷却塔风机 混合器 列管冷凝器 筛分机 搅拌机 铝制散热器 离心通风机 搅拌器 品牌冷却塔 压力容器 冷冻机 气流粉碎机 油冷却器 冷凝器 闪蒸干燥机 蒸汽锅炉 冷却器 输送机报价 玻璃钢储罐 离心机 饲料粉碎机 不锈钢冷凝器 捏合机 塑料粉碎机 砂磨机 乳化机 搪瓷反应釜 散热器 反应釜 工业冷水机 对辊破碎机 反应锅 秸秆粉碎机 反击破碎机 反应锅 精密过滤器 粉碎机报价 反应器 冷冻干燥机 钢衬塑储罐 带式压滤机 冷冻离心机 钢制散热器 袋式过滤器 闭式冷却塔 高速分散机 冲击式破碎机 超微粉碎机 高速离心机 电加热反应釜 锤式破碎机 高压锅炉管 小型冷水机 真空过滤机 板框压滤机 旋转蒸发器 制冷压缩机 卧螺离心机 圆锥破碎机 中药粉碎机 万能粉碎机