一、工作原理及与应用范围介绍Introduction of Working Principle and Scope of Application
The vertical blade mixer is used for uniformly mixing two or more powder materials. Two groups of rapidly rotating blades are used to create following material movements (see the structure diagram): 1. N-shaft centered rotating movement; 2. scooping up and turning over of materials by main blade; 3. Vortex movement of materials from top to bottom by assistant blade. The combination of these three movements realizes the uniform mixing of materials.
It is applied in the pharmacy, food, chicken essence, gourmet powder, chemical, feed, coating, dye, powder metallurgy, and bioengineeringindustries for dry material mixing, as well as wetting and stirring during the mixing.
二、特点 Characteristics
As shown in the structure diagram, the equipment is composed of drive parts (1, 7), blades (2, 4), cylinder (3), discharge device (5) and support (6).
The drive parts is composed of motor (1) and speed reducer (7) to drive the blades rotating at reasonable rotating speed.
The blades is composed of main blade (4) and assistant blade (2), which are inclined to the horizontal level with certain angle on the opposite direction.
As shown in the figure, when the drive parts drive the blades rotating along N direction, the materials will move in circles along the cylinder wall drove by the main blade and assistant blade; part of materials will rise along N1 direction under the action of main blade, and part of materials will drop along N2 direction under the action of assistant blade to fill the back of main blade, forming the partial material circulating. Due to the circulating of above repeated movements, the materials are mixed uniformly. The cylinder (3) is used for containing the materials. The discharge device (5) is used for controlling the material flow and discharge. The support (6) is used for fixing and supporting the equipment.
Technical parameters (the values in the table below are for reference in type selection only)
通风机 电解质分析仪 腻子粉搅拌机 压滤机 多功能搅拌机 蒸发式冷凝器 蒸发器 高剪切乳化机 轴流式通风机 常压锅炉 管壳式换热器 冷却塔配件报价 燃气锅炉 硅橡胶捏合机 盘式真空过滤机 过滤机 混凝土搅拌机 皮带输送机报价 过滤器 螺杆式冷水机 隔膜压滤机 换热器 煤矸石粉碎机 冷却塔风机 混合器 列管冷凝器 筛分机 搅拌机 铝制散热器 离心通风机 搅拌器 品牌冷却塔 压力容器 冷冻机 气流粉碎机 油冷却器 冷凝器 闪蒸干燥机 蒸汽锅炉 冷却器 输送机报价 玻璃钢储罐 离心机 饲料粉碎机 不锈钢冷凝器 捏合机 塑料粉碎机 砂磨机 乳化机 搪瓷反应釜 散热器 反应釜 工业冷水机 对辊破碎机 反应锅 秸秆粉碎机 反击破碎机 反应锅 精密过滤器 粉碎机报价 反应器 冷冻干燥机 钢衬塑储罐 带式压滤机 冷冻离心机 钢制散热器 袋式过滤器 闭式冷却塔 高速分散机 冲击式破碎机 超微粉碎机 高速离心机 电加热反应釜 锤式破碎机 高压锅炉管 小型冷水机 真空过滤机 板框压滤机 旋转蒸发器 制冷压缩机 卧螺离心机 圆锥破碎机 中药粉碎机 万能粉碎机