1、It can complete many tasks such as car outer circle, milling polygon,thread picking, groove drawing, etc. at one time. (Avoid the secondclamping of the product, the finished product has high concentricity)
2、It can finish milling two, four, six squares and other multilateralproducts at one time. It can process the taper six squares, the middlemilling six squares or six squares, the head chamter and the tailchamfer, theradianproducts and other multilateral products.
3、This machine tool can realize multiple processes such as high- -speedturning of workpieces and low-spoed turning.
4、The machine tool adopts the bed and foot conjoined structure, andadopts imported linear guide, so it has good seismic performance andstrong rigidity.
5、The whole series of machine tools adopt hydraulic clamping devices,which improves the degree of mechanical automation of the machinetools.
主要参数 | The main parameters | 单位Unit | CX6132 |
床身最大回转直径 | Max.swing diameter over bed | mm | 400 |
拖把最大回转直径 | Maximum turning diameter of mop | mm | 200 |
最大车方直径 | Max.polygon diameter | mm | 100 |
拉管通孔直径 | Drawn pipe hole diam | mm | φ55 |
主轴通孔直径 | Spindle hole diameter | mm | φ63 |
主电机功率 | Main motor power | KW | 4-6 |
主轴转速 | Spindle speed range | rpn | 100-1800 |
X轴最大行程 | Max.X- axis travel | mm | 250 |
Z轴最大行程 | Max.Z- -axis travel | mm | 250 |
X轴快进速度 | Max.X- axis fast forward speed | m/min | 7 |
Z轴快进速度 | Max.Z- -axis fast forward speed | m/min | 7 |
X-轴脉冲当量 | Max.X- axis pulse equivalent | mm | 0.005 |
Z-轴脉冲当量 | Max.Z- -axis pulse equivalent | mm | 0.001 |
X轴重复定位精度 | Max.X- -axis repearability accuracy | mm | 0.02 |
Z轴重复定位精度 | Max.Z- -axis repearability accuracy | mm | 0.02 |
外部电源 | Extemal power supply | 380V,3ph,50Hz | |
机床尺寸 | Machine outside dimensions | mm | 2300*1380*1650 |
机床净重 | Machine net weight | KG | 1800 |
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