硅酸铝纤维板,采用硅酸铝纤维棉作原料,用真空成型或干制法工艺经干燥和机加工精制而成。铝纤维板除具有散状硅酸铝纤维棉优良性能,产品质地坚硬, 韧性和强度优良,具有很好的抗风蚀能力。加热不膨胀、质轻、施工方便,可任意剪切弯曲,是窑炉、管道及其他保温设备的理想节能材料。
· 低导热率、低热容量
· 优良的热稳定性和抗热震性
· 耐压强度高,并具良好韧性
标准型硅酸铝纤维板 1100℃
高纯型硅酸铝纤维板 1260℃
针刺型硅酸铝纤维板 1260℃
Aluminosilicate fiber, the use of aluminum silicate fiber cotton as raw materials, dried by vacuum forming or by drying method and the machining process is refined.
Addition to bulk aluminum silicate fiber quality of cotton fiber properties, the product hard texture, excellent toughness and strength, has good ability to resist wind erosion. Heating does not swell, light weight, convenient construction, can be arbitrary shear bending is a furnace, piping and other equipment, the ideal energy-saving insulation materials.
Product Benefits
* Low thermal conductivity, heat capacity
* Excellent thermal stability and thermal shock resistance
* High strength and toughness with good
Classification temperature
1100 ℃ Standard silicate fiber
1260 ℃ high-purity type aluminosilicate fiber
Needle-type aluminosilicate fiber 1260 ℃
长度/Length(mm) | 宽度/Width(mm) | 厚度/Thickness(mm) | 密度/Density (kg/m3) |
600 | 400 | 10- 100 | 80-60(150-600属高密度板)/80-60 (150-600 are high density board) |
1000 | 600 | 10-100 | 80-60 (150-600属高密度板)/80-60 (150-600 are high density board) |
1200 | 1200 | 10- 100 | 80-60(150-600属高密度板)/80-60 (150-600 are high density board) |
亦可做其他规格 欢迎查询
Also welcome inquiries for other specifications
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