韩国Incyto一次性血球计数板(Semen Test)
Using a disposable C-Chip hemacytometer for semen analysis allows for clear visualization of the sperm that simply wasn't possible before. C-Chip DHC-S02 is a phase type hemacytometer (using phase contrast microscopy). Light microscopy could also be used for sperm counting, magnification x 200~400. | ||||||
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The DHC-S consists of 100 small squares in the large center square. Each small square measures 0.1 x 0.1 mm, with a chamber depth of 0.02 mm. Each small square has a total volume of 2.0 x 10-4mm3 or 2.0 x 10-7cm3. Count all the cells in the 100 small squares within the large center square. The large center square has a surface area of 1.0 mm2 and a chamber depth of 0.02 mm. The large center square has 0.02 mm3. As there are 1000mm3 per ml, the center square represents a volume of 0.00002ml, so that equates to 1/ 0.0002ml = 50,000 (50,000 = 1/ (100 squares x 2.0 x 10-7cm3). The volume factor is then 50,000.
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Cells per ml = Number of cells in 100 small squares x dilution factor x 50,000
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